Monday, again?

Posted By on July 25, 2011

Girl, removing the kitty who chews screens!

Don’t they show up regularly?

I’m at my computer, coffee to the left of me, music all around, and I’m ready to start on the day’s work. Busy afternoon ahead, so I need to get my head down and produce words!

But, can I say, after days and days of 90 degree temps and humidity that bumped the heat index over 100, we are forecast for only 87 for the next two days? I went out yesterday morning in the slightly cooler air and weeded part of the flowerbed of doom. The third time I had to stop to pluck thorns from my arms, I gave up, but it was way hot by then anyway. The problem is, I know we have blackberries in the flowerbed, and I’m willing to leave their thorny splendor in place. Weedy thorns must go–though they and I essayed quite a tug-o-war, and they did triumph in the end. I’m just not sure I know a blackberry from a weed. My mother would know. (You know how there are times when a loved one seems more gone than ever? I seem to be in one of those times. Everything reminds me of her.)

Anyway–no arc in this post today, but my writing friend, Mr. Kitty, just showed up, and he’s moments from chewing on my screen. I’d better go!

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