Random Thursday

Posted By on September 8, 2011

Random bits of flotsam in my head!

The last three days (after the tornados whirled past us), have been amazing. Low temperatures, beautiful rain and clouds (after months of drought), and I’ve been walking in my neighborhood, instead of on the treadmill. The leaves are beautiful, the rain is my own private sprinkler, and the exercise is much more fun!

Do you see our kitty? He’s kind of a weird one. He likes to chew on stuff. He loves his kibble of course, but when he hears the crackle of a plastic package, he loses his mind and rushes for a nice, comforting chew. If he can’t have plastic, he’ll make do with cardboard. Our DVD player had gone to the land of misfits, so we bought a replacement, and that player came in a delicious cardboard box! Just ask Kitty!

I have a new guilty TV pleasure. 70s mystery movies. McMillan & Wife. I think my daughter might be able to shop in Sally’s closet. The 70s have literally spun round again. And Rock Hudson has one of the world’s most amazing voices. Plus, I want their house.

No home grown tomatoes around here. I’ve planted several batches (may have mentioned that in previous posts). I really thought we might have a bounty, but the drought doused my plans with death. Seriously. I couldn’t keep enough water on these things.

Do you ever leave a cooking show running in the background and find yourself longing for whatever’s on the handsome, sponsor-sponsored, commercial stove? You are feeling my pain. Time to put on the earbuds and direct my attention elsewhere.

I hope you’re having a wonderful day filled with fun and maybe a hint of guilty pleasure!


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