Work and Play

Posted By on September 21, 2011

Writing this post is part of my work day. I usually post at night, but schedule for the early morning hours. After a day of writing, doing what is essentially a journal entry clears my mind for the next day. Wonder where my senior English teacher from high school is now. She started us on journals as part of our writing class, long before blogs were a twinkle in even HAL, the computer’s electronic eye.

Tiny tangent there.

I don’t sleep well, and night before last I slept for maybe an hour. Then I had a busy day, so by last night, I was nodding off if I stood still. I started a blog post, but then fell asleep. Fortunately, I didn’t manage to post the gibberish in my sleep.

Today was another busy day. The beloved and the girl and I visited some friends we only see a few times a year. We had great talk, a delicious meal, and amazing chocolate pie! (I don’t even like chocolate, but this was mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm!)

Right now I can’t think of anything I’d love better than to nod off over this post, but I have word count to make. I want to earn time off for a trip to see a photography exhibit in town next week and a girly lunch a bit more elegant than the boiled eggs and toast I’ve been wolfing down between typing lately.

So, enough play for today. It’s time to write!


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