RIP VI The Diva Haunts the House

Posted By on October 24, 2011

As part of my R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI commitment, I’ve finally finished one of my books, The Diva Haunts the House, by Krista Davis. I love Krista Davis’s Domestic Diva series, which started with The Diva Runs Out of Thyme. There’s a sensible diva and a crazed perfectionist diva, and the heroine is the sensible one, who often happens on a corpse in the midst of event planning. The mysteries always keep me guessing, but it’s the cast of characters I love.

I always want to know how both divas are doing, and whether Sophie’s (sensible diva) ex-husband is still with the perfectionist, Natasha. (Interestingly, in the other books, I believe Sophie was at great pains to say Natasha hadn’t poached. In this one, that story has changed a bit. I’ve enjoyed Sophie’s romance with Wolf, the detective, which is put on hold in this entry, but the haunted house in this book in the series is a character in itself, and how much room does one book have?

Is the community haunted house really haunted, or isn’t it? Is the world peopled by vampires? You’ll be surprised, if you’re a fan of the series, to find who thinks it might be. I take that back–not surprised. Krista Davis has a light touch and a subtle paintbrush. She’s deft with characterization.

I didn’t guess the who in the whodunnit. I’ve been incredibly busy, but I hurried back to the book with every opportunity to read. I hope you’ll enjoy it, too. Each visit to Sophie’s house has become a visit with old friends. Don’t miss your chance to visit, too!

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