Monday–Yay, I get to work!

Posted By on October 19, 2009

There’d be frost on the pumpkin if I’d found time to buy one. A must-do for this week. Wonder how hard it is to grow a pumpkin? I’d show you my tomato success, except the so-called plants are so hard to find. One did actually grow–sort of. It reached about 18 inches tall, but lacked any leaves. I’m rambling.

Back to Monday–a lovely day!  Cold–it’s 36 degrees, and the frost is still glittering where the sun hasn’t melted it. I’m still in bed, huddled in blankies. The last scene I wrote last week (busy weekend) has niggled in my mind since Friday night, not for its excitement, but because it felt bland. I woke this morning with an answer, and it’s buzzing around, anxious to get onto the page.

This past Saturday was my family reunion. I’d guess we had about 50 attendees. Each year I know more of my own family. We’re a spread-out bunch, and for some reason the different branches didn’t hang out together much when I was a child. Several years ago, my aunt and my cousin got together and decided we needed to put those missing years behind us and learn about each other again. I love our reunions! Since high school I’ve lived away from home. How I’ve missed my family. The connection as I see Jean and her Paul and Bill and Carolyn!  :-) Lovely!

But most of all, I got to see my sweet brother Pete and his lovely Brenda and Tania, and my aunts (my “other moms”)–Mary and Bertha and Dorothy, and my uncles, righteous decent men who are funny and loving and dependable–the stuff heroic men are made of–Cecil and Ted, and my cousins, David and Bruce and Deb–who ought to move in next door so I could see her every day. And all the others, but naming them would take this page into a novel. I just want to say, it’s Monday, and yay, I get to work!  But I’m extra happy, in the mood to work because I feel so truly content after a too-rare Saturday with my beloved family!

About The Author


6 Responses to “Monday–Yay, I get to work!”

  1. Debbie White says:

    You know, those “too rare” moments could be more often!!!

  2. admin says:

    In fact, I say, arching a testy brow, those moments could at least double! Remember that road? That goes in both directions?

    I love ya, despite your inability to use a two way interstate!

  3. Matt White says:

    Hey Anna, you know she COULD retire next year if she wanted to. *hint hint* that two way road may be more accessible then.

  4. admin says:

    You know–we should lobby for that! Does she love working or something?

  5. Matt White says:

    yes, she LOVES working. K-25 is just such a lovely place she doesn’t want to leave. In fact, she loves working there SO much I had to get a job there to continue the legacy after she is forced to retire.

  6. admin says:

    See–you are a good son! You have the job. Time for her to go home! (Or, even better, visit me!)

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