Early, early Sunday

Posted By on February 28, 2010

The house is so silent, except for the ceiling fan humming a soft, still-mostly-night song. I don’t really care that it’s below freezing outside. I like to burrow deep beneath the blankets to sleep.

Do you lie awake in the morning, trying to keep quiet so no one else will know you’re awake and think you’re a slacker because you’re not up and at ‘em? (That’s how my parents used to wake us–a cheery “Up and at ‘em!”)

I’m holding really still, thinking about everyone else in the world, doing their stuff–cooking, working, talking to a beloved, being annoyed with the guy next door, who suddenly needs to mow his lawn in the pre-dawn, sniffing that excellent coffee-bacon configuration of bliss. What are you planning to do today?

I’m just going to read.

And maybe watch a DVR of the gold medal curling game. Trying to hold off on the latter because curling will be over for four years after I watch it.  No curling = Sad

This turned into randomness.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful Sunday, filled with contentment–the best kind of any day!

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