Monday Morning

Posted By on April 19, 2010

I’m not usually awake at this hour because normally, I fall asleep a little after four-ish. Today, I’m going for the stay-awake record. I’ve had insomnia since I was a child. I can remember, the summer before I started school (let me preface by saying my father taught me to read I don’t even know when), I was reading the books from my brother’s summer reading list. I’m not sure what his teacher was thinking, but Injun Joe scared the heck out of me in his thirst for Tom Sawyer’s blood, and I had nightmares about Alice’s Cheshire Cat until I was literally forced to read Alice again in college (now one of my favorite books). And then there was this guy taking a raft called Kon-Tiki across an ocean by himself. (I need to look that up. I don’t remember where he was.) The point of all this, is that while reading those books, I’d peer toward the window, hoping for a hint of blue in the sky.

That’s what I did last night, too. Well–I was too tired to read, but I did a lot of sky peering.

And a lot of thinking. Because my hero took a turn for the weak yesterday, so I need to toughen him back up today. He’s burdened with baggage, but he didn’t handle it correctly yesterday. Today, he’s making a change. He’s been making changes all his life, so he’s capable and resolute, and it will happen. I just feel bad because I owe him better treatment.

There’s blue in the sky, but I’m still not sleepy, so I think I’ll look for some blank on the laptop screen and fill it up!

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