Randomly Friday

Posted By on September 24, 2010

I was doing so well at regular blogging. I can get back in the habit. I know I can.  But I’m starting with a random post because they’re low-stress.

Except I’ve gone blank. I think this heat is draining the snap from my synapses. Seriously. Continuing with a trend since last May, we’re in the 90s every day. I don’t think winter is coming this year. We’re just going to have summer forever.

My kitty has discovered a new way to show his displeasure if he decides 3 a.m. is a fine time for breakfast but no one snaps to at the feed bag. Suffice to say, we’re thinking of adding an in-law apartment for Kitty. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable, but I’m going to have to move out if he doesn’t learn to contain his rage–and other things. I mean the rage-fueled hairballs were bad enough, but this…

Now for something cheerful. Despite the summer temps, a farm near here is having a festival this weekend, complete with amazing fresh veggies. My favorite foods. Can’t wait to sample–and won’t dinner all next week be delicious!

And, finally, those pumpkin socks–they’re actually orange–don’t know what the color’s doing on my camera–but who doesn’t love the $ bin at Target?  I bought four different Halloween versions but my girl took the other three! Just as well because it’s too hot to wear them!

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2 Responses to “Randomly Friday”

  1. Debbie White says:

    Its cooler today. Had to get out my LONG jeans and tennis shoes (I want my shorts and sandals!!!!!!). BAH HUMBUG!!!!!

  2. admin says:

    Are you kidding? I’ve been hanging out in the cool air! See ya soon, you! Can’t wait!

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