Random Wednesday

Posted By on March 9, 2011

Time for more random. I’m devoting all my organizational skills to my wip, so I have none left for structuring a blog post. Chatted with a friend today about my qualms about my dark moment and ending, and she put me at a bit of ease. So, I’m redoing my snopes.

And I’m still watching Lucy, which it turns out my cousin also loves, with the illness-laden girl. Here she is with her kitty. Aren’t they sweet? She had a fever. He was keeping toasty warm by the heat of her illness.

Next up, the neighbor’s doggie. She takes us for a walk most nights of the week. The girl and I were watching Dogs 101, and they said that beagles may be your best friends, and they may love you with unfailing devotion–but a scent of something heinous will lead them wherever their noses go. Allie, the pocket beagle bears this out every night. It’s really more a stagger between loathesome smells than a walk.

And, finally, have a look at spring around here. It’s beautiful, but it’s too early. Seriously. I know I’m the only person in the world who thinks so–as the northeast digs out of another snowstorm. (Don’t you resent people who taunt you with their snow?) But the funny thing about spring in the south–off to the right, among everything turning green–that’s last year’s dead kudzu. I like the atmosphere–a little dead vine peeking through the pink and green. And still verdant!

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