Victory Over the Dark Moment

Posted By on March 10, 2011

At last! I have a dark moment. It’s the thing that’s held me back on submitting. I’m never extremely fond of my planned dark moments. The story changes as it grows, and the dark moment often changes, but I have wrestled and gnashed my teeth and all the gears in my brain–and I have not been happy with any dark moment I’ve considered. They were right emotionally–but not right in terms of being special and a bit subtle–and totally tied to these two characters above all others.

Finally, after planning and going back to characterization worksheets to get the right answer–the deep down darkest turning point for these two characters–I think I have it.


I have been digging for my own voice, digging to write into this story the kind of passion that makes me love this genre and this line. Finally, I’ve been digging for the dark moment. I could be wrong, but I am satisfied with it. It works for Ilena and Max.  And, goodness knows, I’m working hard for them, too!

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