Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted By on May 9, 2010

This is always a bittersweet day. I am a mom, and I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I love my children. I’m lucky to have them, and they are a joy indescribable–even when I dilute joy with worry (the mom’s fatal flaw)! And I have my “other” moms, my aunts and my best friend’s mom–they have always been generous with their love, with their sweetness and their support, even when I’m away too long! I can turn up at the door, and they always love me–like a daughter.

But my mom and my mother-in-law, whom I couldn’t have loved more if she had given birth to me, are both gone. I miss them so much.

So, I’m wishing the world a Happy Mother’s Day–especially to the moms whose children cannot be with them today. I know, like me, they’re wishing they could be.

I love you, Ma, and I love you, Mom–and I love you, Aunt Mary, Aunt Dorothy, and Aunt Bertha, and Ma Goins! Thanks for being my other moms!

About The Author


4 Responses to “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. Debbie White says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to you too!!!! Love ya girl!!!!

  2. admin says:

    Same to you! I hope you had a wonderful day, and your mommy, too! I wish I could have hugged you all in person! Need family time!

    Love ya like crazy!

  3. Debbie White says:

    If you need family time, you know how to fix that!!!

  4. admin says:

    Ooops–I’ve been away from my website a while. Lots of storms around here, and I’m working hard. Miss you guys–I do need to finish my work and get up there. Love ya!

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