What day is it?

Posted By on November 28, 2016

Cinnamon Rolls for Thanksgiving

When you work at home, and you don’t have any other responsibilities for a few days, you start to lose track. I’ve enjoyed that.

I’ve been baking and embroidering and binge-watching Paranoid on Netflix. And also writing. Lots of times, I put off doing the things I want to do for the things I should do. Especially this month, I’ve been writing every spare minute, and I haven’t actually made as much progress as I’d like. But yesterday, instead of feeling guilty about wanting to do something not work-related, I plopped down in front of the TV, took out the pillow cases I bought to remind myself how to embroider, and got to work.

Embroidery Refresher!

So peaceful.

When I was ten, my parents split up, and my brothers and I moved to Tennessee with my mom to be near her family. That following spring, Grandma asked me if I knew how to embroider. I didn’t. She printed a pattern of a man and woman in their sleeping shirts on pillowcases, and she brought her needlework things to our house. We sat on a blanket beneath the trees across the field from where she and Grandpa planned to build their new house, and she taught me to embroider. She was such a good teacher. She told me to take my time and remember that a lady’s work should look as well-worked on the underside as on the top. I remembered that yesterday and wondered why I haven’t been embroidering all these years.

Never too late!

Back to work today! I’ve reached the point in my strange writing/quilt-the-story process where I need to put everything together, flesh out with the yummy “feelings” sensory things that make a story fun, and finish. I hope this story sells because I love it so much!

But I’ve learned something kind of obvious this long weekend after fending off jabs from my work conscience. Doing something to fill the well is a good idea. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Baking and handwork will do the job!

I hope you and yours are embarking on the happiest holiday season, full of plenty to be thankful for!


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