Catching Up

Posted By on June 14, 2013

It’s been a while.

Lots going on here. My girl and I went up to Tennessee for a  mini girl’s week with our cousin. It was a lovely time on top of a mountain, except the girl got sick the first night and stayed sick the whole time we were there.

I have a proposal that needs a final edit and then it goes in to the editor. I’m in love with this story, these characters, and the little mountain town and community in Tennessee I’ve been building for this idea.

And finally, I’m sharing something rather horrible. Something I can barely stand to share. Sometime I’ll probably write a post about how much Kitty meant to us. If you’ve read this blog for a while, or if you’ve ever perused the archives, you already know. He had a hard last few months, due to an asthma attack in the spring, but I had high hopes because he was eating more heartily and had returned to purring with the strength of a fighter jet. Unfortunately, a thrombosis sneaked around our eagle eye for his care and took him away from us. And that’s all I can say about that. Except–we miss our 20-year-old kitty more than any of us around here can articulate.

And now that I’ve said it, maybe I’ll return to blogging on a more regular basis.

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4 Responses to “Catching Up”

  1. Kate Walker says:

    You know I know how you feel but I just wanted to say it again. Sending hugs of understanding. You will miss him – I miss him and we never even met – but he knows he had a wonderful life with you – as was his due as a Maine Coon!
    love Kate

  2. admin says:

    Thank you so much for your comforting note and your sweet support. I hate that you’ve been through this, too, but I appreciate your kind thoughts for Kitty–and it’s heartening to share love for our favorite kitties! Maine Coons are truly a breed apart! Mostly, I know how lucky we were to have him–but I sure miss him and his funny, quirky ways.

  3. Debbie White says:


  4. admin says:

    Thanks, you! We’ll take those hugs. And give your occasionally grumpy George a wary one from us.

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