I’m Writing

Posted By on October 11, 2013

A cozy mystery.

In this mini-excerpt, my heroine’s cat has given in to hunger and returned home after bolting during a robbery in their abode. Heroine is trying to act calmer than she feels, to protect her college-aged daughter, who’s also home for a birthday weekend.

I thought I’d leave some words here, rather than writing about writing. (Or my real cat, or the weather.)

As soon as we opened the door, he bolted inside as if he held the deed here, and we’d locked him out. Just out of reach, he stopped and began to wash one paw, bending a look of disdain on Tamsyn and me.

“Just circle around him,” I said. “I’ll put food in his dish.”

“Did he run away or something? He doesn’t want to be anywhere else now. Mom, where’s the table?” She headed back to the kitchen and family room. “Where’s everything? What’s with this ugly furniture?”

That was my girl. My own. My genetic legacy. Despite Moore’s contribution.

“I felt like a change,” I said, all breezy, as if I were insane.

She didn’t buy it for a second. Though strands of her hair fallen from a loose updo curled around her face like a pale brown halo, her eyes questioned me with a sudden surfeit of the knowledge of good and evil. Her mouth pinched in worry that only a new young adult could feel for a suddenly aged, doddering parent of thirty-nine.

“Who stole our furniture?” she asked.

About The Author


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