Wednesday, and still at the synopsis!

Posted By on September 30, 2015

Why is there a British cop show on top of our synopsis?

I love Wednesdays, because you still have a few days of week left, but I start to feel all crowded by the things I haven’t done. Today, I have to have my nails done. It’s the only girly thing I do, and they look as if I’ve been grinding them on sandpaper. Could have done it yesterday, but by the time I thought of it, I was at the gym, and no one wants to face me in a nail salon after that. I need them done by tomorrow for a conference I’m doing that starts tomorrow night. So–that’s one thing.

Another is the synopsis. I’m still not finished. Gave up on typing. I started taking notes on paper. Then, I gave up on that and went to bed. I had breakfast in the workspace (guest bed), and turned on Vera (another Peril on the Screen post to come) to watch while I devoured my boiled egg, string cheese, and toast with a schmear of peanut butter and blackberry Allfruit. Mmmmmmm. (Rambling here because you aren’t allowed to ramble in a synopsis. I’m getting it out of my system.)

Georgie, the Writing Assistant, clearly feels Vera and breakfast time are over!

About The Author


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